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Dr. Scott Jarvis

MD, PhD, FRCPC-Neurology

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Dr. Scott Jarvis was born and raised in Calgary.  He completed his B.Sc. in Biochemistry at the University of Calgary then spent a couple years working in construction (literally digging ditches) before he joined the lab of Dr. Gerald Zamponi at the U of C as a laboratory technician.  This eventually led to a PhD, for which he won the Governor General’s Gold Medallion, then went on to do a post-doctoral research fellowship in Montpellier, France.  Following this, he came back to Calgary for medical school, where he met his future partner at the ANC, Dr. Sam Chhibber.  After medical school he started his neurology residency in Calgary (the same program as Dr. Chhibber). 

During his residency he became interested in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) based in part on the people he met who had MS, and his experience working with internationally-recognized neurologists like Drs. Luanne Metz and David Patry.  He also gained an appreciation for Headache neurology from working with Dr. Werner Becker, another world authority. 

After completing his residency he started a clinical and research-based fellowship in MS, split between Calgary and San Francisco.  In 2015 he came back to Calgary to do general neurology and MS, and in 2018 opened the ANC with Drs. Chhibber and Rosenegger.

Dr. Jarvis has always loved teaching and has been a lecturer at the University of Calgary medical school since 2012.  He has won several teaching awards, but his greatest satisfaction comes from sharing his passion for neurology and hopefully an appreciation for the art of medicine.  You’ll often encounter medical students working with him in the clinic.

Although Dr. Jarvis truly loves teaching and clinical work, he’s also a big fan not working.  Scott loves travelling and plays a lot of sports.  The Canadian Society of Exercise Physiologists recommends 150 minutes / week of at least moderate physical activity but sadly (and hypocritically) he struggles to meet that sometimes (thanks, paperwork).  He also enjoys his food, especially steak.  See below for his popular marinade recipe. 


Favourite U of C Undergraduate Medical Education awards:

2018 - “%*&#” teaching award and swear jar

2017 - Platinum Award for UME teaching

2016 - Hockey Jersey award

2012 - Rookie of the Year teaching award


Recent journal publications:


Coates K.D., Aboodarda S.J., Krüger R.L., Martin T., Metz L.M., Jarvis S.E., Millet G.Y.  2020  Multiple sclerosis-related fatigue: the role of impaired corticospinal responses and heightened exercise fatigability  Journal of Neurophysiology 


Asmussen M.J., Mauracher M.E., Onutobor O., Nigg S.R., Jarvis S.E.  2020   Reliability and Validity of a novel device for quantifying ankle dorsiflexion force in People with Multiple Sclerosis  Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders  40:101940


Mauracher M.E., Asmussen M.J., Nigg S.R., Onutobor O., Jarvis S.E.  2019   Portable Fixed Dynamometry to Quantify Ankle Dorsiflexion Force   Muscle and Nerve 60(1):56-61


Scott’s steak marinade recipe and grilling suggestions:




1. Worcestershire and Olive oil (~50:50; 2 litres is about enough for 8 large steaks).

2. Smoked paprika - at least 2 tablespoons. If you think you’ve added too much, you haven’t.


3. Garlic - in 2 litres, add up to 2 heaping teaspoons of garlic (fresh or minced from a jar).  If you’re really into garlic, and there’s everything right with that, use even more.  I only hold back because the kids don’t like garlic as much as I do.


4. Blend the crap out of it. Seriously, highest speed for at least a minute.


That’s it for the marinade - sooooo simple.  Marinade your steaks in this at room temperature for at least an hour but ideally all day.  No refrigerating - trust me, it’s safe.




Get your grill as hot as it’ll go (I start at over 700F).  Sear both sides - about 90 seconds on the first side and up to 2 minutes on the flip.  You’ll burn the edges and that’s okay - you can cut that those little bits off later.  You need to know that there’s going to be a lot of flames and smoke from the marinade that drips off, so long tongs are critical here. 


After both sides are seared, take off the grill and turn the heat down - leave the lid open to get the temp down to about 400F.  While the grill is cooling down, generously sprinkle Montreal steak spice (or whatever spice you have handy) on both sides.  You’ll want to save the juices that drip off during the spicing.  When the grill temp is steady at 400F put the steaks back on until they’re medium rare.  Medium at the most.  Don’t you dare waste my marinade on a well-done steak.


Also, you’ll want to use really good meat - tenderloin or rib steaks.  If rib steaks, get the biggest cap possible.  You want something well-marbled.   Yes, these steaks are more expensive, but you’re going through all this work, so do it right - it’s worth it. 

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